
The Narratives and Social Changes-International Research Group (NaSC-IRG) includes founder and associate members.

The founder members are those who belong to the constitution of the Research Group while the associate members are those researchers who apply with specific form (Annex B) and only following a positive evaluation of the CV by the Steering Committee, which must be expressed to the unanimity of those present, membership will be effectively formalized (Art. 5 of the Statute).

Any member may, at any time, leave the Research Group with written notice to be sent to the Director.

Founder members

Emiliana Mangone (University of Salerno, Italy) – Director

Felice Addeo (University of Salerno, Italy) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Methodology and Empirical Research

Virgilio D’Antonio (University of Salerno, Italy) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Rights and Development

Hande Eslen-Ziya (University of Stavanger, Norwey) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Culture, Knowledge, Change”

Lucia Picarella (Universidad Católica de Colombia, Colombia) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Politics, Conflict, Participation

Michele Sorice (LUISS University, Italy) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Communication and Information Communication Technologies (ICT)”

Nikolay Zyuzev (Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Russian Federation) – Scientific Coordinator, Research Area “Theory, Epistemology, Method”

Gianmaria Bottoni (City University of London, United Kingdom)

Mariarosaria Colucciello (University of Salerno, Italy)

Emiliana De Blasio (LUISS University, Italy)

Stellamarina Donato (LUMSA University, Italy)

Guido Giarelli (University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro, Italy)

Pablo Guadarrama Gonzalez (Universidad Católica de Colombia, Colombia)

Estrella Gualda (Universidad de Huelva, Spain)

Marko Lovec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Rubén Martinez Dalmau (Universitat de Valencia, Spain)

Paolo Montesperelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Graziano Palamara (University of Salerno, Italy)

Antonella Pocecco (University of Udine, Italy)

Massimo Ragnedda (Northumbria University, United Kingdom)

Giovanna Russo (University of Bologna, Italy)

Carmen Salgado Santamaria (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

Olga Simonova (National Research University, Russian Federation)

Associate members

Alfonso Amendola (University of Salerno, Italy) – Associated on 1 January 2023

Ana M. Ayuso Álvarez (Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) – Associated on 1 January 2024

Giacomo Chironi (LUMSA University, Italy) – Associated on 1 January 2022

Rodolfo Colalongo (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia) – Associated on 1 April 2021

Francesca Cubeddu (University of Rome Three, Italy) – Associated on 1 April 2023

Nuran Erol Işık (Ege University, Turkey) – Associated on 1 April 2024

Omar Huertas Diaz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia) – Associated on 1 October 2022

Patricia Nakayama (Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, Brazil) – Associated on 1 April 2021

Cheryl Potgieter (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) – Associated on 1 January 2021

Carolina Rebollo Diaz (Universidad de Huelva, Spain) – Associated on 1 April 2023

Stefano Santasilia  (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico) – Associated on 1 January 2021

Andrea Volterrani (University of Rome TOr Vrgata, Italy) – Associated on 1 July 2021